Saturday, November 20, 2010

The blank page

The cursor blinks incessantly, impassively.  I've wanted to do this for years but never started thinking it too.. ?prideful? irrelevant?  What could I possibly say that would be so important that I should send it out over the waves for others to see? And yet.. reading a friend's blog touched my heart in a way that let me know it is the doing that is most important, even if no one sees. The mere fact of creating the words takes them out of my head and gives them their own space. This makes them into something I can embrace and move on from..and there are so many things in my head that I think I need to let go of. The Inner Critic will always howl but I hope to lower ?his?her volume. (That may be an interesting topic to store for later.. "is my Inner Critic male or female and why?")
For now it is enough that I have started.