Saturday, April 28, 2012


Just returned from 13 days away on a cruise with my parents, sister and husband. We were on a transatlantic cruise and so had 6 days in a row all at sea. I have to admit I usually love the days at sea for their slow pace, gentle rocking and just being out of contact with the real world but the seas were pretty rough during half those days so I spent many hours asleep from the anti nausea meds. Still, had a lovely time reconnecting with my sister and my folks who were happy to veg out with us in a Cabana overlooking the sea.
The ports of call were beautiful in Portugal and Spain and I was so sad to arrive and promptly leave Citavecchia, Rome within one hour, to return home. My husband saved us from major stress due to a much delayed flight and had us rebooked and home an hour earlier than we would have been had our flight left on time. I could just feel my neck and shoulders start to stiffen up as we dealt with the crowds and the stresses of travel.
Now we are home and the animals are so happy to see us back. It is quite unseasonably cold and grey here in Pittsburgh. The good news is that I have not missed much in the garden and will be able to start planting within a week or two. The asparagus has just started to come in and the garlic scapes are not up yet. Life is good.