Saturday, March 5, 2011

New habits

I'm back on the weight watcher's wagon again after years of rebellious "non-tracking" and subsequent re-gain of all that I lost plus a few extra pounds. I'm a "lifetime member" meaning I could go to meetings for free if I was within a pound or so from my "goal weight". Alas, I have not been there (at goal) for quite a few years now. Lets hope that shelling out the bucks helps me to get back to my healthy weight again.
Every time I go back to the program I am amazed at the power of "community".  The good news about a group is that there is always another person either in your situation or, if you need it, totally NOT in your situation to provide motivation. "The group" can call us on our behaviors in ways we would never allow an individual (especially one we knew well) to do.
For me, the risk behavior is not keeping track of what I do, and more importantly don't, eat. I began to resent the time and memory it took to be accurate in what I was eating so I quit doing it. Oddly enough, I can see that when I keep track, I actually eat much more food on the program (by a factor of two!) but loose the weight slowly but steadily. My task now is to reframe that action into something less onerous.  I'm not "reporting my lack of compliance to big brother".. I am "becoming mindful of a large portion of my day". I'm not "having to come up with menus for an entire week".. "I'm experimenting with different cuisines".
They say it takes twenty one days for something to become a habit. I am five days into daily posts here and a week into faithful tracking. Wish me luck.

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